Welcome to the CEO’s office. I'm the CEO!
Kenzo Tsujimoto
The founder of Capcom, where he currently serves as the company's chairman and CEO. Born in 1940 in Nara Prefecture, Mr. Tsujimoto started a job at a relative's wholesale food supplier after graduating from high school. Here, he learned accounting before setting out on his own at the age of 22. He founded Capcom Co., Ltd. in 1983 and has since lead the company to the top of the global gaming world.
- Most memorable game
- Street Fighter II

Capcom's Founding

I founded Capcom after spending some time selling cotton candy machines and arcade games. At the age of 42, I started this next business venture and am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience the spectacular growth of the company. Note: This photo is from the 1985 press conference for Ghosts 'n Goblins.
So this is when Street Fighter
was born...

This is a bit before my time.

The Birth of CPS
Capcom Rising

Capcom successfully develops the arcade game board known as the CP System. Created in hopes that the company could develop games with visuals that rivaled that of world cinema, this system was used to create many impactful games such as Street Fighter II. Note: Photo from 1990.

Producing a Live-Action Movie
Capcom: To Hollywood!

Capcom funds a live-action, Hollywood-produced Street Fighter movie. With a budget of several billion yen, it was sometimes ridiculed as a distraction for the company, but even today it still has many fans throughout the world.

Promotion to the TSE's 1st Section
On to Even Greater Heights

Capcom is promoted to the 1st Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. As I approached my 60th birthday, I was determined to take Capcom to new heights and deliver the best possible content to gamers all around the world.

Construction of R&D Building #2
Bolstering Development and Production

We constructed the R&D Building #2 in an effort to aid in the production of top-tier content. Establishing in-house development and production teams are essential to laying the foundation for future growth.

From Osaka to the World
Market Capitalization Reaches 1 Trillion Yen

Capcom boasts 10 consecutive periods of increasing profits, with its market capitalization exceeding 1 trillion yen, while providing 300 titles to gamers in 220 countries around the world. We continue to grow the company each and every day in an effort to deliver high-quality products to fans across the globe.